
It's testament to my lack of sanity that I left my house and trekked halfway across London in this drizzly weather, in a pair of leather hotpants. After one man directed me to the bus stop (situated in his bedroom), and another stalked me round the scary backroads of Croydon, I realised that maybe things need to change on my part.. a 'dress as you'd like to be addressed' kind of thing..
In my head Hotpants= sexy BUT Socks and Creepers= masculine, clumpy, ugly etc. THEREFORE I should really have been repelling every man I came across, but I'll try my 'revealing ensemble'+'ugly footwear' combo again to really gage whether my clothing habits need to change.
shirt; Topshop/ shorts & t-shirt; H&M/ creepers; Camden/ bag; Marc Jacobs


Anonymous said...

Nah gurl, you're not the one that needs to change - it's men who need to change their approach. Your outfit is pretty darn sexy, but that's no excuse for men to 'stalk' you.

My goodness, you're gorgeous!

Unknown said...

i love your bag !!

Florie said...

aww thank you anon.. very sweet of you!

@lady d thank you love I got it for xmas!

PKelly's Site said...

love this!!! those shoes are the business!!!

Florie said...

thanks hun, I think they have something similar on the Office shoes website, check it out!x

Psycadelik said...

I like your bag and the blond is whats up!

L'oeil de coco said...

pretty girl rock.

ur bag and ur blond hair

from paris with love.